
The conference will take place at two locations:

  • Deutsche Nationalbibliothek / German National Library (DNB), Adickesallee 1, 60322 Frankfurt am Main
  • Hessischer Rundfunk / Hessian Broadcasting Station (hr), Bertramstrasse 8, 60320 Frankfurt am Main.

Both locations are easy to reach by public transportation (see Getting there) and within 10 minutes walking distance of each other. The attached map (PDF, 250 KB) shows the walking route between them.

The workshops will take place at Hessischer Rundfunk / Hessian Broadcasting (hr), building R, Medienraum. Please follow the signs from the main entrance.


Conference rooms:

DNB - V (i.e. Vortragssaal), DNB - Tagungsraum and DNB - Oval Office are situated at the German National Library (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek)

HR - K1, HR - K2, HR - K3, HR - F3 and HR - Medienraum are at the Hessian Broadcasting Station (Hessischer Rundfunk).